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Discover a beautiful place with us!

How do I know if my reservation was made correctly?

After completing the reservation process, you will receive an email with the status of your reservation (confirmed or pending confirmation)

If all services are confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email.

How can I make a complaint?

We are sorry that you had incidents during your trip.

We recommend that you inform service providers as soon as possible. Sometimes incidents can be resolved on the spot.

If you do not obtain a solution, you can send us your complaint or complaint about the services received by writing to us at 

What forms of payment do EURO TOURS accept?

Accepted credit cards are VISA and MASTERCARD, in addition to debit cards.

In some cases you can also pay via online banking, the PAYPAL payment system, or bank transfer.

What identification documents should I take with me?

All passengers, including children and babies, must have a photo identification document:
• Portuguese Citizenship: Valid Identity Card
• Customers without Portuguese citizenship: Passport
Personal IDs, military or judicial identification are not valid for crossing Portuguese borders.
All documents must be within the indicated validity limits.
Certain countries require that the Passport is still valid for at least 6 months.

If my minor child  If you are traveling without your parents accompanying you, what documents are needed?

With the entry into force of Decree Law 83/2000, of May 11, on January 1, 2001, there was a new regime for the entry and exit of minors from the National Territory. Therefore, minors, children of married parents, must have an exit permit, issued and signed by their parents – with recognized signatures, if they leave alone or accompanied by third parties.

Are there still doubts? Contact us! We are here to help you in the best way possible
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